Deals of the Day — Mergers and Acquisitions
Bids, mergers, acquisitions and disposals on Tuesday: The following bids, mergers, acquisitions and disposals were reported by 2100 GMT on Tuesday:- Brazilian state development bank BNDES could deploy up to 4 billion reais ($2 billion) to help bankroll the potential purchase of ThyssenKrupp AG's Steel Americas unit by local group Cia Siderúrgica Nacional SA, Valor Econômico reported on Tuesday, citing people with direct knowledge of the situation.
U.S. Justice Dept says examining Softbank, Sprint deal
The Justice Department urged regulator on Tuesday to defer action on its investigation of Softbank's takeover of Sprint Nextel
Volume and Value of VC Investments Rises in European Automotive Industry
Volume and Value of VC Investments Rises in European Automotive Industry, finds Frost & Sullivan Venture capital investment as a financing option has been gaining importance in automotive transactions.
Dell LBO talks reveal other leverage options
A bid to take Dell Inc private by buyout firm Silver Lake and its partners underscores the financing market's willingness to lend up to $15 billion