Institutional investors

Westgate Resorts gains US $140 million from securitization

Premier developer and operator of themed resorts gets US $140 million after a new round of securitization.

Comic Con aims to raise US$1 from fans for non-studio revo

Comic Con requested US$1 from its millions of fans to join in a non-studio revoluttion Comic Con requested its followers on social media, which was now in the millions, for US$1 each.

SEC in “hot seat” for improper investigation of contractors

US SEC was put under pressure for improper contractor vetting. The US Securities and Exchange Commission (SEC) was placed in a "hot seat" for failing to do a proper background check on 40 to 70 contractors.

US agency to fund expansion of Pakistan hospital

US financing institution OPIC is set to fund the expansion project of Pakistan hospital. The Overseas Private Investment Corporation (OPIC), US financing institution, agreed to fund the expansion of Aga Khan University Hospital in Karachi, Pakistan.

Latest News

Goldman Sachs Group, Inc and Bank of America leads the corporate bond sales this week, which raked in approximately US $30 million.
Pyramid Group takes the reins of Sheraton Hotel following the latter company's sale amounting to US $61 million
French company CEVA enters into an agreement with Sichuan subsidiary to acquire the latter's stake in animal health subsidiary.
Beleaguered lender Kommunalkredit proceeds with run-off after its efforts to find buyers fail. After its failure to find buyers, Kommunalkredit Austria AG is expected to close its books and attempt to sell off parts of its assets.
TOA Technologies gets US $66 million funding from Technology Crossover in a deal dubbed as the fourth biggest funding in software this year.
UCP stocks opened at less than IPO price in its trading debut. UCP Inc. 's stocks opened at US$14. 75 in its trading debut. This share price was down from the company's IPO share price of US$15.
Babson Capital backs Silver Oak to acquire cleaning and safety products distributor The Tranzonic Cos.
Diamond Resorts International planned to sell shares at US$14 each in IPO. Diamond Resorts International, Inc. announced the price of the shares to be sold in its initial public offering.
HgCapital invests in IntelliFlo, which transaction is set to be finalized by August. HgCapital's Mercury said it is putting in a majority investment in IntelliFlo Limited, one of the premier Software as a Service (SaaS) providers for financial advisors and brokers.
AstraZeneca acquired Omthera Pharmaceuticals. AstraZeneca completed its acquisition of Omthera Pharmaceuticals last July 18, 2013. Omthera announced last July 16 that its shareholders approved the acquisition.