Institutional investors

Actis to acquire 25% stake in Symbiotec Pharmalab

Actis planned to acquire 25% stake in Symbiotec Pharmalab. Actis, a private equity firm based in London, was looking to acquire a stake in Symbiotec Pharmalab.

Puzey & Payne acquired by management

Puzey & Payne was acquired by its management through a buyout. Puzey & Payne was acquired by its management through a management buyout. This was after the car dealership unit was disposed by its parent group Zimplow Holdings.

PE firms' investment in wineries more of passion than business?

Several private equity firms are making investments in wineries. Several private equity firms are making investment in wineries. These investments seemed to contradict these investors' expectation of a swift return.

Canadian REITs help IPOs rise above SPTSX

Canadian REITs, led by Choice Properties, helped IPOs rise above SPTSX this year. Canadian real estate investment trusts (REITs) helped initial public offerings in the country to rise above the benchmark index.

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AlpInvest won its bid to purchase EUR800 million in private equity assets from HypoVereinsbank. AlpInvest Partners, a Dutch private equity investor, finished first in the race to acquire up to EUR800 million of private equity assets from HypoVereinsbank, according to three individuals with knowledge of the situation.
Russian investment bank, VTB Capital said that the increasing Chinese-Russian trade flows could well mean more mergers and acquisitions between the two countries.
Unitech has placed 3.6 million square feet of IT space up for sale. Unitech Corporate Parks have offered around 3. 6 million square feet of properties in India's Gurgaon IT Special Economic Zone to a number of private equity firms, said a person who has knowledge of the plans.
Sources revealed that AG Barr could be buying GlaxoSmithKline's Ribena and Lucozade brands. IRN-BRU producer AG Barr continued to be silent yesterday over reports AG Barr would team up with private equity organisations Blackstone Group and Lion Capital to purchase the Ribena and Lucozade brands from pharmaceutical giant GlaxoSmithKline.
Tnuva Food Industries stated it could go public to improve the company's capital structure. Tnuva Food Industries Ltd. revealed plans that it might consider an initial public offering.
KrisEnergy revealed that it its looking to raise more than SGD270 million in its market debut. KrisEnergy Ltd is looking to receive up to SGD270 million in net proceeds in its initial public offering.
TRIMET issues a binding offer to purchase two companies owned by Rio Tinto Alcan. German aluminum producer TRIMET is interested to purchase St. Jean-de-Maurienne aluminum smelter and Castelsarrasin casting facility in France, which are both owned by Rio Tinto Alcan. acquired ExactTarget. Salesforce. com announced Friday its acquisition of ExactTarget. ExactTarget was a cloud marketing platform used by Coca-Cola, Nike, Gap, and more than 6,000 other companies.