Institutional investors
Repsol Denies Report on YPF Claim
Repsol denies Reuters report in explanation to Spanish stock market regulator. In an official statement, Repsol reiterated that there are no ongoing discussions with the government of Argentina as to the expropriation of the Spanish oil giant's share in Argentina's YPF company.
PICC to list in Shanghai Index
PICC lists in Shanghai index after HK index. According to People's Insurance Company of China Group's Chairman Wu Yan, it would be completing an A share listing by the third quarter of 2013.
Elan Starts Share Buyback
Elan proceeds with its US$1 billion buyback share program. Elan is expected to undertake the planned US$1 billion share buyback by next week. The Irish pharmaceutical firm's move may undermine the takeover offer by US fund firm Royalty Pharma.
Nielsen Holdings Selling Expositions Business
Nielsen Expositions is up for sale and may be worth US$1 billion. Nielsen Holdings NV, the television ratings firm is now in exploratory talks to sell its expositions business.