Investment banks
Andreessen Horowitz Starts Off $15M PeerStreet Investment
One of the top venture capital firm, Andreessen Horowitz will give a $15 million as an investment. Andreessen Horowitz, a venture capital firm has led a $15 million investment in PeerStreet, a financial technology startup that gives individual investors access to real estate-backed loans online.
Deutsche Bank Awakens Investment Bank to Regain
The Deutsche Bank will start regaining their profits and investments. Deutsche Bank AG, is battling its confidence to retain confidence among some shareholders and clients who is losing market share across investment banking in Germany and Europe once its considered unbreakable home turf.
Trump Taj Mahal Closes After 26 Years; Marks 5th Casino Casualty
Taj Mahal had shut its door down 6:00AM Monday. Donald Trump, who built the Taj Mahal casino once called it "the eighth wonder of the world" This time, Donald Trump, the Republican candidate in the race for the presidency who also took his Atlantic City into bankruptcy four times uttered no words about Monday's shutdown of the said gambling hall.
Brexit Moves with Online Mortgage Market 50% LendInvest
Online marketplace mortgage financer LedInvest grew revenues by 133% in 2016 and turned a profit of £3.4 million accounts show.