Pentagon Uses War Fund as Sluch Fund!
Pentagon got the highest fund ever in the history. Its fund is intended to purchase F-35 . It will be utilized for the ongoing combat operations. The cost related with these enduring requirements is in the range of $30 billion annually.
Brexit Tightens Belt More for Regulation-Weary Traders
Brexit made it more strit in its action to regulate traders across the world. However, the effect is still uncertain.
Russia Eyes High Positive Investments From Foreign Investors
Russia's economy starts eventually to improve even if Russia's global political standing. In October, in its latest World Economic Outlook,nternational Monetary Fund predicted that Russia's economy could return to growth in 2017
Gartner: For eight consecutive quarters, sales of global PC declined
Gartner emphasizes that the sales of desktops, laptops, and other devices dropped 5.7 percent in the third quarter of 2016.