"Music Pass" in Android YouTube app hints at Google's music subscription service
In its APK Teardown of the Android YouTube app, the website Android Police found "Music Pass" that hints of a possible launch of a YouTube music subscription service.
New York's Betaworks raising USD20M to make more web tools
New York-based web tools and service maker Betaworks is raising a new USD20 million round of financing to build more useful services, according to the company's Chief Executive Officer.
Toshiba to takeover OCZ in bankruptcy sale
Japanese chipmaker Toshiba offered to acquire solid-state hard drive maker OCZ Technology Group Inc. in a planned bankruptcy proceeding. The California-based company will immediately file for bankruptcy and liquidate if the deal with Toshiba falls apart.
23andMe defends genetic testing product
23andMe Chief Executive Officer Anne Wojcicki defended her company's genetic testing product and stands by the data on the accuracy of their results after the public warning letter issued by the US Food and Drug Administration.