Prime retail space demand seen after closing of Blockbuster
Small business franchises had been scurrying up to acquire Blockbuster's last 300 stores for its prime retail location, high visibility and access to great parking.
Venture capitalists turn to seed investing - report
A report by the coordinated efforts of MoneyTree, PricewaterhouseCoopers and the National Venture Capital Association indicated an increased activity in seed investments in venture capitalists.
Private equity, hedge fund firms seizes opportunities on crumbling infrastructure
Private equity and hedge fund firms had set their sights on placing bets in infrastructure projects, stalled government transportation projects like railways and ports in particular.
AUW head approves potential sale of GrainCorp
Australian Workers Union head Paul Howes said the need for Australia to have a fresh injection of capital was more important than considering the sentiments of union workers at GrainCorp regarding the sale of the company to US-based Archer Daniels Midland.