Goldpoly teams up with Kunlun for joint acquisition of 500MW solar power plants

Goldpoly New Energy Holdings Limited entered into a framework agreement with Kunlun Trust Co., Ltd for a joint acquisition of 500MW of solar energy plants in China and Mongolia.

xG Technology sells IPO at USD1.75 per share

Wireless communications developer xG Technology Inc. announced that its initial public offering will be priced at USD1.75 per share. The company would raise USD10 million in IPO.

Monsanto finalizes acquisition of Climate Corp

St. Louis-based agricultural data company Monsanto Co. finalized the acquisition of weather forecast and insurance firm The Climate Corp. in a deal that was valued at USD930 million.

Divestments to follow after ICE-NYSE merger - Sprecher

ICE chief executive officer Jeffrey Sprecher said divestments of some of NYSE's assets was detrimental to its goal of reducing expenses of its newly-combined company.

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The chief executive officers of Men's Wearhouse and Jos A Bank had discussed encouraging points as to the further exploration of merger talks between the two clothing firms.
Netherlands-based LED lighting solutions developer Ledzworld recently received USD5 million in funding to be used for the acceleration of its sales, manufacturing, and global expansion.
Brand Energy & Infrastructures Services Inc. proposed terms on a debt backing its leveraged buyout by Clayton, Dubilier & Rice. Western Refining, on the other hand, sought a loan for its Northern Tier acquisition.
New York-based consumer and retail-focused investment bank Financo announced its intention to raise USD75 million to USD100 million for the launching its private equity fund in 2014.
A source told Reuters that Washington-based lobbying firm Patton Boggs' merger discussions with Dallas-based law firm Locke Lord included a due diligence review of a possible merger suitor.
In a moment of candor, Canadian Finance Minister confirmed that the federal government would be open to options as to how to best utilize its 8.5% stake in the Hibernia offshore oil project.
San Diego-based specialty pharmaceutical company Zogenix Inc planned to raise USD56 million by selling its common stock after suffering through losses and lack of capital.
With an earlier attempt at acquisition two years ago, Bain Capital now is in advanced discussions for the purchase of TI Automotive, the maker of fuel tanks and other automotive components.
Petroleos de Venezuela SA is set on selling USD4.5 billion worth of bonds to increase scarce international reserves as well as curb the fastest rising inflation rate in the world.
Berlin-based task management company 6Wunderkinder raised USD19 million in a Series B funding round to be used for the firm's expansion in the US and business development.
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