First woman of finance, Muriel Siebert, dies at 80

Muriel Siebert, the first woman to ever take a seat on the NYSE, succumbed to cancer complications and died at the age of 80.

ONGC to increase overseas debt for USD2.64 billion acquisition

India's ONGC Videsh said it would increase its overseas debt to fund a USD2.64 acquisition. ONGC Videsh Ltd. is a state-backed energy explorer in India.

America Movil to support Telefonica's acquisition of German unit

America Movil had announced today its support for the purchase of E-Plus, Telefonica's German unit.

Morgan Stanley boasts clean record amid financial crisis

After the fall of Lehman Brothers, Morgan Stanley retained its reputation as a law-abiding investment bank.

Latest News

Anadarko sells part of its stake in Mozambique property to Oil and Natural Gas Corp. Ltd. for USD2.64 billion.
Canva launched a new tool for design creation and collaboration through a USD3 million in seed funding.
An analysis by Bloomberg said that the next CEO of Microsoft would face a lot of big choices to make after Steve Ballmer's resignation.
SAC Capital founder Steven Cohen ended charges of insider trading with a USD616 million settlement deal.
CNH Industrial COO Richard Tobin is the new CEO of the merged company between Fiat Industrial and CNH Industrial.
Private equity exits in India had doubled amid the weakened currency, unstable market capital and poor macro-economic conditions.
The second part of the trial on patent infringement between Microsoft and Google's Motorola will continue this week.
IILM Corp's debut sukuk was oversubscribed according to reports. The International Islamic Liquidity Management Corp, which is based out of Malaysia, announced on Monday that it had auctioned USD490 milion in sukuk bonds.
SABB, which is partially owned by HSBC, has been busy preparing for a sukuk bond issue by year's end.
Pritzker Family agreed to buy TMS International Corp. for USD1 billion. The Pritzker Family, one of America's wealthiest families, has agreed to purchase TMS International Corporation with an approximate USD1 billion cash deal.
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