H&R Block to sell banking assets

Tax services provider H&R Block said in a statement that it would exit its banking business by selling some of its assets to Republic Bancorp Inc.

Silicon Valley Banks looks for loan receiver

Silicon Valley Bank requested a loan receiver for Alvarion Ltd over a US$3 million debt that the bank says it cannot pay.

Fossil and Safilo announces renewal of licensing agreement

Safilo Group and Fossil Group, Inc, announced the renewal of their eye wear licensing agreement Safilo Group and Fossil Group, Inc, announced the renewal of their eyewear licensing agreement for the distribution, design and manufacturing of the FOSSIL branded optical frames and the addition of new design for sunglasses.

RWE and Qatar in negotiation for purchase of DEA unit

RWE and Qatar are currently holding talks about possible purchase of RWE's DEA oil and gas exploration and production unit.

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