Direct ChassisLink buys Hyundai Merchant's chassis fleet
Littlejohn's DCLI acquires the chassis fleet of Hyundai Merchant Marine. (Photo : Reuters)This is a cargo ship in operation. Hyundai Merchant Marine sold its chassis fleet operations in North America to Direct ChassisLink.
Subsidy increase does little to appease renewable energy investors
Investors in the wind farm industry and renewable energy sector are still doubting the stability of the market even after a 10% increase in subsidy.
Wynnchurch Capital invests on Detroit Tool
Detroit Tool Metal Products will gain investments from owner Wynnchurch Capital. (Photo : Wikkimeida Commons)Los Angeles-based Reliance Steel & Aluminum has acquired Sunbelt Steel, Texas.
Bankrupt Suntech extends forbearance agreement
Suntech extended its forbearance agreement with its bondholders. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the frontage of the corporate headquarters of Suntech. Chinese solar energy and systems manufacturer Suntech Power Holdings Company extended a forbearance agreement with what it says as "a majority" of its unpaid convertible bond holders.