UBS, Credit Suisse Debt Still Too High According to Swiss Central Bank
On Thursday, the Swiss National Bank announced that Credit Suisse and UBS must cut their debt levels that still top international rivals.
Sources: Rockwood Pulls Asset Sale on Low Offers
Rockwood Holdings Inc. cancelled a planned auction combination of its titanium dioxide and performance additives units.
JoS. A. Bank Clothiers Inc. Seeks to Expand
JoS. A. Bank Clothiers Inc. is seeking to buy more stores. Most people might think that JoS. A. Bank Clothiers Inc. is big enough already with over 600 stores.
Asia-Pacific stock markets expect nosedives
Stock markets from Asia and Australia prepared for a decline after the United States began to withdraw stimulus.
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A United States appeals court lets stand Ex-IM's loans. (Photo : REUTERS)The Delta airline logo is seen on a strap at JFK Airport in New York A United States appeals court lets a two-year old decision by the United States Export-Import Bank stand this Tuesday.
Two high-frequency traders are seeking a merger. (Photo : Reuters)A handshake denotes a partnership between entities. RGM Advisors LLC and Allston Trading LLC are discussing future merger plans.
Banks from Switzerland are being pressured by European and United States governments to release private information.
The US and European governments won't be able to make any significant cut back on its deficits, according to investors.
The IMF released Ireland's aid fund for its bailout due to 'steadfast' economy. (Photo : REUTERS)The Irish flag flies above the General Post Office on O'Connell Street in Dublin The International Monetary Fund announced its approval of Ireland's bailout program.
Foreign banks recently invested in many local companies pushing the country's merger and acquisitions march forward.
Stephen Poloz, new central bank chief for Bank of Canada said on Wednesday that the bank can no longer rely on its usual models to assess the economy.
Lloyds Banking Group must plug a capital shortfall of GBP8.6 billion after Britain's banking regulator announced new rulings on Thursday.
Finance ministers in the Euro zone agreed to systematically rescue important banks with a Eur60 billion bailout fund.
Investors used the mid-year point to review fund portfolios making requests to pull out cash from hedge funds increase in June.