Legal & Regulatory

Creditors may seize control of Altegrity

Oaktree Capital Management and other lenders are close to striking a deal with Providence Equity Partners to take control of the security company that vetted former spy agency contractor Edward Snowden, the New York Post reported.

India's capital sets new rules for Uber, other taxi operators

Taxi firms including Uber, the online cab-hailing company banned in New Delhi, will have to install panic buttons if they are to operate in India's capital under new rules framed after allegations that a driver for the U.S. firm raped a passenger.

Petrobras deadline prompts some bondholders to push for default

Petrobras, Brazil's state-run oil company, could be declared in technical default on some of its foreign debt as early as Tuesday if bondholders pursue efforts to force it to speed up its assessment of losses in a giant corruption scandal.

China offers fresh support for outbound investment

China will simplify currency rules and step up credit support for firms investing overseas, the cabinet said on Wednesday. It was the government's latest move to encourage use of excess factory capacity at home and help local firms grow globally.

Latest News

Milagros Diaz has been rolling cigars for 48 years, so long she cannot even smell tobacco anymore, and she is thrilled that the U.S. market is finally opening up for her handmade Cuban "habanos".
A merger between oilfield services provider C&J Energy Services Inc (CJES.N) with a unit of Nabors Industries Ltd. (NBR.N) can proceed, Delaware's supreme court ruled on Friday.
A federal judge on Friday rejected Hewlett-Packard Co's (HPQ.N) proposed settlement of shareholder litigation involving the information technology company's botched acquisition of Autonomy Plc.
The U.S. Treasury Department will sell its remaining 54.9 million shares of Ally Financial Inc (ALLY.N) acquired under the government's bailout of the auto lender, Ally said on Thursday.
U.S. banks will be able to do more business in Cuba after the United States and the island nation agreed to restore diplomatic ties, but trade groups said their members will be slow to ramp up operations, fearing big penalties for mistakes.
A top Herbalife salesman said that most people who sell the company's weight loss and nutrition products are doomed to fail, adding fresh grist to accusations by a hedge fund manager that the company is a fraud.
The United States on Tuesday confirmed steep import duties on solar products from China and Taiwan, in a decision that could inflame trade tensions between the two countries.
Taxi service provider Uber Technologies Inc said only some of its employees have access to "God View", or a real-time aerial view of the movement of its cars.
Apple Inc (AAPL.O) won an antitrust trial on Tuesday when a U.S. jury decided the company did not act improperly when it restricted music purchases for iPod users to Apple's iTunes digital store.
Two U.S. security officials cast doubt on a threat against theaters planning to show Sony Corp's (6758.T) controversial movie about an assassination of the leader of North Korea, but police across the country vowed on Tuesday to take extra precautions.
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