Legal & Regulatory
B2Gold Corp signs arrangement agreement with Volta Resources
Vancouver-based gold producer B2Gold Corp said it signed a definitive agreement with Canadian resource company Volta Resources Inc for the business combination of the two companies.
Judge sides with Google on book-scanning case
Judge Denny Chin of the US Circuit Court in New York ruled that the scanning can be classified as fair use since it was "highly transformative." Chin also said that the scanning was not detrimental to the marketing for the author's work.
Shunfeng Photovoltaic International says acquisition deal for Suntech unit not approved by liquidators
Shunfeng Photovoltaic International said provisional liquidators of Suntech Power Holdings Co had not approved its planned acquisition of Wuxi Suntech, the main unit of Suntech which went into bankruptcy.
GSN files lawsuit against Bash Gaming after latter backs out from acquisition deal
The Game Show Network insisted that Bash Gaming pay a premium based from the difference between its initial acquisition offer and the amount the latter received from an unnamed buyer after Bash rejects GSN's deal at the last minute.