Legal & Regulatory

B2Gold Corp signs arrangement agreement with Volta Resources

Vancouver-based gold producer B2Gold Corp said it signed a definitive agreement with Canadian resource company Volta Resources Inc for the business combination of the two companies.

Judge sides with Google on book-scanning case

Judge Denny Chin of the US Circuit Court in New York ruled that the scanning can be classified as fair use since it was "highly transformative." Chin also said that the scanning was not detrimental to the marketing for the author's work.

Shunfeng Photovoltaic International says acquisition deal for Suntech unit not approved by liquidators

Shunfeng Photovoltaic International said provisional liquidators of Suntech Power Holdings Co had not approved its planned acquisition of Wuxi Suntech, the main unit of Suntech which went into bankruptcy.

GSN files lawsuit against Bash Gaming after latter backs out from acquisition deal

The Game Show Network insisted that Bash Gaming pay a premium based from the difference between its initial acquisition offer and the amount the latter received from an unnamed buyer after Bash rejects GSN's deal at the last minute.

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The following bids, mergers, acquisitions and disposals were reported on Wednesday including BNP Paribas, Facebook, Crocs, VTB Capital and Flybe Group.
Apple Inc was not a stranger to claims by foreign governments who insisted that the Cupertino, California-based company had used specific accounting practices in order to avoid paying hefty taxes.
Amid the run up to the Third Plenum, many market investors who have waited for the policy direction from the Chinese government had made them either hopeful or disappointed with the communique released by President Xi Jinping.
Many local and foreign private equity firms have been seeking the government of India to conduct investigations on alleged fraud and poor corporate standards of some portfolio companies.
The Third Plenum reiterated the central role of state-owned enterprises as well as the the large role markets play in the future of the Chinese economy.
A source told Reuters that Washington-based lobbying firm Patton Boggs' merger discussions with Dallas-based law firm Locke Lord included a due diligence review of a possible merger suitor.
In a moment of candor, Canadian Finance Minister confirmed that the federal government would be open to options as to how to best utilize its 8.5% stake in the Hibernia offshore oil project.
Petroleos de Venezuela SA is set on selling USD4.5 billion worth of bonds to increase scarce international reserves as well as curb the fastest rising inflation rate in the world.
In finding the termination of the agreement was improperly made, an arbitrator ruled that Starbucks is liable to pay a total of USD2.76 million to Mondelez-Kraft for violating the terms of its contract.
A settlement was reached between representatives of both American Airlines and US Airways Group and the US Department of Justice would pave the way to the approval of the merger.
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