Legal & Regulatory

EU Approves ICE's $8.2 billion Acquisition of NYSE Euronext Without Conditions

The Intercontinental Exchange (ICE) was given unconditional approval to acquire NYSE Euronext for US$8.2 billion.

FTC Conducts Preliminary Inquiry for Google's Waze Acquisition

According to sources, Google voluntarily complied with the initial inquiry of the Federal Trade Commission on its Waze acquisition earlier this month although it has not yet reached a level of investigation

Spain's Repsol to look into YPF non-cash offer

Spain's Repsol will look into a non-cash offer over the expropriation of its majority stake in energy firm YPF, a source said.

Flagstar Bancorp agrees to a $105 million settlement to Assured Guaranty

Flagstar Bancorp Inc had agreed to pay $105 million to Assured Guaranty Ltd as settlement to a lawsuit against the bank for misrepresenting loan quality contained in $900 million of mortgage-backed securities.

Latest News

Lloyds Banking Group asked for a two year extension from the European Commission for the sale of its 631 branches.
Barclays is under investigation by German tax authorities for possible tax evasion according to German newspaper.
Bank regulators are now considering increasing the simple leverage ratio to 6%. (Photo : REUTERS)The JP Morgan Chase & Co. headquarters is pictured in New York In a surprising move, US regulators are now studying a proposal to double the minimum capital requirements for its largest banks.
The contraction of the economy and cash shortages have been stretching the management abilities of the newly installed leadership of the Chinese Communist Party.
Fed Reserve Chairman Ben Bernanke's remarks have caused major tumbles in world financial markets.
Asian markets buckled badly after the Federal Reserve indicated eventual end to free money on Thursday.
Swedish big banks' capital strength are more vulnerable to risk than what appears on paper. (Photo : Reuters)The image is the face of a Swedish kronor bill.
A United States appeals court lets stand Ex-IM's loans. (Photo : REUTERS)The Delta airline logo is seen on a strap at JFK Airport in New York A United States appeals court lets a two-year old decision by the United States Export-Import Bank stand this Tuesday.
Banks from Switzerland are being pressured by European and United States governments to release private information.
Insurers and regulators are still unsure after recent proposals were made on the regulation of life insurance products.
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