Obesity Is To Lower Life Expectancy
According to some research obesity can lower life expectancy.for those who is under 65 years old. For the first time in two decades, the life expectancy of Americans declined slightly, and the overall death rate rose, according to a report from the National Center for Health Statistics.
5 Tips To Reduce Cholesterol
Here are some healthy lifestyle on how yo could reduce your cholesterol. High cholesterol increases your risk of heart disease and heart attacks. You can reduce cholesterol with medications, but if you'd rather make lifestyle changes to reduce cholesterol, you can try these five healthy lifestyle changes.
Apple Releases Bunch Of Updates
Apple's latest update, iOS 10.2 brings in new features for the users. Aside from additions to the functionality of the devices, the update also comes with bug fixes.
Amazon’s Prime Video Available Globally Except In China
Amazon's video-streaming service Prime Video has been launched globally, bringing most of its popular contents to more viewers worldwide. Subscribers will have to pay half the price ($2.99) for the first six months, and the original price of $5.99 for the following months.