
Whoopi Goldberg Launched Medical Marijuana Startup for Women

Multiple awards-winning actress Whoopi Goldberg announced her startup company on Wednesday. The company offer medical marijuana product to relieve menstrual pain for women.

U.S. Firms are Attracted to Invest in Israeli Cannabis R&D

Firms in United States are looking into Israeli cannabis research and development. Israel, the pioneer in high tech agriculture is now leading the medical marijuana R&D.

Plunge of Valeant Shares Made Bill Ackman to Lose $1 Billion

A huge slump in Valeant Pharmaceutical stocks on Tuesday made Pershing Capital to lose more than $1 billion in one day. Meanwhile Bill Ackman planned to take more active role in the drugmaker.

McKesson dismisses 1,600 staffs from US office to preserve its cash level

McKesson is terminating 1,600 staffs from its US division in an effort to trim expenses after some important customers left the company.

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With an objective of not giving any such scope for price escalation as Martin Shkreli did for Daraprim generic drug, US Food and Drug Administration (US FDA) has turned very cautious on approvals to generic drugs. US FDA is now reviewing new applications for generic drugs, while ensuring no such lapses of price escalation.
It's a race for Toshiba Medical Unit between Canon, Fujifilm Holdings, Konica Minolta and Permira Holdings. Nikkei said Canon has the highest bid amounting to $6.2 billion. Whoever the winner is, will be decided on Wednesday.
Canadian pharmaceutical company shares dropped 18% on Monday, as the company admitted being under investigation by U.S. Securities and Exchange Commission.
The Series A round was announced on Wednesday. The company has also licensed the rights for multiple immuno-oncology programs from Stanford University.
Walgreens has threatened to pull out of partnership with Theranos following the notice the latter received from the federal authorities regarding deficient medical practices. The drug retailer has given a 30-day ultimatum to its partner to clear their name, or their association gets terminated.
The Royal Melbourne Hospital is on the verge of a medical breakthrough with its 'Stentrode' - a small, paper-clip-like brain implantation that is said to bring back mobility to paralyzed patients. This cure will eliminate the need of an open brain surgery, and the first clinical trials on human are slated to begin in 2017 in Melbourne.
As part of reducing costs, the Japanese government is seeking lower drug prices by moving towards more generics. The ageing population and rising debt are taking a toll on the Shinzo Abe's government. The Japanese government is aiming to reduce prices of branded drugs.
WHO on Thursday has warned for probable spread of Zika virus across the North and Central American countries. Ahead of rising concerns for Zika spreading, drug makers and scientists have commented that manufacturing of an appropriate vaccine may even require a decade. These warnings has opened a huge business potential for Oxitec, an Intrexon subsidiary. Oxitec’s gene modified mosquitoes are capable of ensuring security against Zika for large populations.
Researchers at the University of California, Los Angeles developed a non-invasive electric patch to treat the symptoms of Post-Traumatic Stress Disorder (PTSD). The electric patch uses trigeminal nerve stimulation (TNS) technique to stimulate the nucleus tractus solitaries to produce pain killer compounds in the brain.
Aedes mosquitoes are the bearer of Zika virus which is available across the US. WHO warns the US for a probable Zika virus induced epidemic. Brazil has appeared as the most Zika affected country. The US and other governments have issued a travel alert for the pregnant women forbidding to visit the Zika prone region. The travel alert has offbeat the organizers of the Rio de Janeiro olympic scheduled to be held in August.
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