North America
Bitcoin ATM in Canada transacts over C$1M in less than 30 days
The accessibility of purchasing and selling Bitcoins via ATMs were popular, that a Robocoin Bitcoin ATM stationed in Vancouver, Canada raked in over 1,500 transactions at more than CAD1 million in 29 days.
Is Bitcoin the future of consumer money?
Should an average consumer ride on the Bitcoin frenzy? An article published on the The Guardian cautions investors about the unclear nature and use of the Bitcoin, and asks them to wait unless a government-sanctioned financial system for the virtual currency is in place.
Bitcoin Price Hits $1,000 After Doubling in 7 Days. What Next?
The price briefly topped the equivalent of $1,000 on Chinese exchange BTC China back on 19th November, but this is the first time this level has been reached in a US dollar denominated exchange rate.
Bitcoin's USD1000 mark on Mt Gox signals windfall for early investors
A report by the Washington Post noted that Bitcoin's increasing trade value would benefit early investors like Bitcoin lead developer Gavin Andresen and the Winklevoss brothers.