North America
AMR and US Airways set new deadlines
AMR and US Airways indicate new deadlines on their eventual decision on the merger as the lawsuit had affected the businesses.
Moody's upgrades GM debt
GM debt had been upgraded by Moody's Investment Service to investment grade from junk status. General Motors' debt to investment grade status had been restored by Moody's Investment Service to investment grade.
Allen-Vanguard sells Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit to SafariLand Group
Canada-based anti-terrorist solutions provider Allen-Vanguard exited its Explosive Ordnance Disposal unit.
200 Million iOS devices upgrade to iOS 7
Apple said more than 200 million users of iOS devices upgraded to its recently launched iOS 7. Apple announced that over 200 million iOS devices had upgraded to its newly-launched iOS 7.
Latest News
Sources told PeHub that Stone Point Capital was already gearing up for its sixth buyout fund. Four sources told PeHub that Stone Point Capital was already in talks with investors about the formation of its sixth buyout fund.
Microsoft would be introducing its second generation Surface tablets in a New York event on Monday, according to a report.
Apple announced that its iPhone 5S and 5C had sold 9 million units in its opening weekend. Apple's newest iPhones set a new record for opening weekend sales.
American Airlines and US Airways Group Inc. had came to an agreement that the USD14 billion merger should be completed before the new deadline, which is on January 18 next year.
Potbelly Corp was hoping that its USD75 million IPO would have market pricing its shares not lower than USD9.
German hackers group Chaos Computing Club said it had cracked the fingerprint scanning technology of the Apple iPhone 5S.
JPMorgan Chase & Co and the Bill & Melinda Gates Foundation formed the Global Health Investment Fund to combat deadly diseases in developing countries.
Farmer Mac has continued to pitch itself to potential investors even as analysts continue to warn of a fall in farmland prices in 2014.
A Bloomberg report showed how gifts to institutions of higher learning in the US had rebounded this year.
JP Morgan Chase & Co. was mandated to pay USD389 million in penalties and restitution after the bank was alleged in unfairly charging its customers for credit monitoring programs.