
Russia’s Agricultural Sector Shows Impressive Growth

President Vladimir Putin has expressed confidence that the growth in the country's agricultural sector will be no less than 4% by the end of the year.

Public Sector Workers Get Higher Wage, More Benefits Than Private Counterparts

A comparison in the compensation of government and private sector in Canada revealed a 10.6% wage gap. Public sector workers are found to get paid more and enjoy more benefits. The report also stated that workers in the public sector have better retirement programs and are less likely to experience job loss.

Saudi Arabia’s Non-Oil Business Sector Shows Growth In November

Saudi Arabia's non-oil businesses recorded an increased activity in November. This came after the sector struggled in September to October. Compared to the previous month's PMI record of 53.2, the sector gained momentum as it recorded 55.0 in November.

Winning Stock Market Sectors For Investors In 2017

Observing the overall stock markets, a report identified the five stock market sectors best for investment in 2017. Predicted to continue the upward trend and have lots of potential for profits are the automobile industry, building and construction, industrial machinery, toys sector, and water sector.

Latest News

Minority in parliament has critized the government for not investing in the real sectors of the economy.
The New York Fed announced its new GDP tracking and forecasting tool, the FRBNY Nowcast. The tool will use near real-time data to update U.S. economic growth daily, as the Fed will release a report weekly using the tool and data.
European Union antitrust regulator resumed its review on the takeover of Baker Hughes by Halliburton. European Commission plan to reach decision in August whether to approve or veto the deal.
Pivotal raised its objective price on Facebook's shares from $136 to $154 and restated a buy rating for the company, suggesting 51% upside to Tuesday's ending price.
In a battle with German's budget stores, Aldi and Lidl, Iceland introduces its food warehouse concept. The concept is an advancement of its old style format with cash-and-carry style.
A US Court has rejected $12.25-million legal case between Lyft and its drivers. Lyft and attorney of drivers need to sit back again on further discussions after the latest judgment.
European banking regulators have begun probing links between banks and tax havens in the wake of leakage of Panama Papers. Switzerland's financial watchdog FINMA has cautioned banks to crack down on money laundering. Geneva has also commenced a criminal enquiry into banks dealing with tax havens in the wake of Panama Papers.
Verizon Communications Inc will bid for Yahoo's web business, while Alphabet Inc's Google unit is also exploring options on bidding for it. Additionally, Verizon may also make an offer for stake in Yahoo's Japan subsidiary.
Exxon Mobil Corp will pay $10.75 million to New York State reimbursing costs on oil spill cleanup. The payment will cover New York Environmental Protection and Spill Compensation fund's costs.
The inability to access export finance is causing sales loss for several US majors including Boeing Co. The board of US Export-Import Bank is yet to be accommodated with a third member, without this export finance exceeding $10 million can't be approved.
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