
NBC Universal considering investment in AllThingsD founders' new venture

NBC Universal is close to getting a minority stake in a new company being formed by technology journalists Walt Mossberg and Kara Swisher whom runs AllThingsD from sources whom are familiar with the situation.

Google's self-driving car to beat Nissan's 2020 car launch - report

Although Nissan had set a timeframe of its release of self-driving cars to the public, a report by US News argued that Google might be launching its version of the self-driving car earlier.

Regulator calls for more policy tools to protect against risks posed by shadow banking

Federal Governor Daniel Tarullo said regulators should put their attention not only on banks but on the shadow banking system as well. He said policy options for shadow banks needed to be reformulated to counter its risks.

Meyer leaves Sotheby chief auctioneer post as pressure from Loeb, investors heats up

Tobias Meyer, Sotheby's chief auctioneer, left the auction house prior to his end of contract a week after spearheading the company's biggest sale, which was Andy Warhol's "Silver Car Crash" for USD104.5 million.

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A Hawaiian stewardess made history on Friday by becoming the first person in history to purchase a USD 250,000 Virgin Galactic ticket by using Bitcoin. Virgin Galactic CEO, Sir Richard Branson has announced during an interview with CNBC.
Incoming New York comptroller Scott Stringer will be faced with the challenge of bringing down the management fees paid by the city's five pension funds when he assumes office in January, a Bloomberg report said.
The University of Nicosia, a private school located in Cyprus, boasted that it is now the first university in the world wherein you can pay your tuition and other fees through Bitcoin. This also part of their publicity efforts to promote its new Master of Science Degree in Digital Currency.
A survey done by Worthworm showed the frustrations of angel investors who regretted making investments in 2013. Angel investors also gave their thoughts about overly optimistic financial projections.
David Tepper of Appaloosa Management said equity markets are not inflated. Tepper spoke with Bloomberg Television's Stephanie Ruhle at an investors conference in New York.
Third Point's Daniel Loeb said he held more than USD 1 billion stake in Softbank Corp while Greenlight Capital's David Einhorn warned of "bubble-like" conditions in some stocks in the Robin Hood Investors Conference.
Blackstone Group LP said Thursday it had hired David Calhoun, chief executive of television ratings company Nielsen Holdings NV, to work with the bosses of the private equity firm's companies in order to deliver more value.
Billionaire and IAC/InterActiveCorp Chairman Barry Diller said Aereo Inc may get as much as 35% of US households to use its service once it overcomes the lawsuits filed against it by broadcasters.
Counterpoint Asian Macro Fund is a new macro fund established through a venture between former HSBC Holdings Plc economist Geoff Barker and City Financial Investment Co.
Bumi Chairman Samin Tan confirmed to Bloomberg by email that a lender had given him approval to finance his acquisition of the stake held by the Bakrie Group in the Indonesia-based coal producer.
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