
Budget deficits a second order problem- Summers

American economist Lawrence Summers said policy makers should focus on growth strategies rather than debate on issues about the budget deficit.

SAC UK sees exodus of traders to the competition

Lia Forcina, Alidod Shirinbekov and John Levavasseur left SAC UK for greener pastures. SAC Capital Advisors LP's Lia Forcina had managed over USD700 million during her stint in the firm.

MCX CEO resigns from post

The CEO of India's largest commodities bourse quit his job as CEO. Last Saturday, the Multi Commodity Exchange of India Ltd had announced its Managing Director and CEO Shreekant Javalgekar had formally submitted his resignation from the company.

Walmart offers job back to employee fired for assisting assault victim

US retailer Walmart fired and then gave an employee his job back after he helped woman who was assaulted in a company store parking lot.

Latest News

EBay Inc founder and chairman Pierre Omidyar discussed about his new media venture via a blog post on Wednesday.
Zynga co-founder Justin Waldron announced his departure via a Facebook post. Zynga co-founder Justin Waldron recently announced that he would be leaving the gaming giant after six and a half years.
Twitter Inc hired former Google advertising executive J.J. Hirschle to head its retail advertising sales team days after Apple Inc announced hiring a retail division chief.
Ahead of its IPO, Twitter hired JJ Hirschle, a former Google advertising executive as the company aimed to expand its businesses and strengthened its workforce.
Egyptian telecoms magnate Naguib Sawirirs said that the unclear telecommunications policy in Canada would jeopardize foreign investment.
A verdict of not guilty was entered by a Dallas jury on the case of insider trading against billionaire Mark Cuban.
Deutsche Bank trader Troy Dixon was said to leave the bank and start his own hedge fund, according to sources who asked not to be identified as the matter was held private in nature.
Luiz Carneiro was fired as chief executive of his OGX Petroleo e Gas Participacoes SA by Eike Batista, whose commodity group owned the oil and gas company.
A regulatory filing by Softbank Corp had confirmed rumors of the Japanese company purchasing a stake in US mobile distributor company Brightstar Corp.
Jury deliberations on the insider trading case against Mark Cuban started Wednesday. The jury had begun deliberations for the insider trading case of NBA Dallas Mavericks owner Mark Cuban.
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