
Lululemon Chairman Seeks to Divest 3.4 Million Worth of Interest Amid Retailer's Problems

Dennis Wilson, the Chairman of Lululemon Athletic is planning to offer 3.4 million shares of the company, reducing his control over the yogawear retailer by 3% as a result.

Bell Media Acquires Astral, Appoints New Top Execs

Bell Media acquired Astral and appointed new top executives. Bell Media officially acquired Astral Media Inc. for Can$3. 2 billion. The acquisition included two over-the-air TV stations, 77 radio stations, eight pay and specialty TV services, and last but not least, the Astral's out-of-home division.

Ding Xuedong, New Chairman of Sovereign Wealth Fund CIC

China appointed Ding Xuedong as the new head of the country's sovereign wealth fund. Ding Xuedong was appointed as head of China's sovereign wealth fund.

Batista Halts Mine Operations to Save Empire

Billionaire Eike Batista halted operations in iron-ore mine Corumba to save his empire’s commodities.

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