New York Governor’s Praiseworthy Effort to Stop Terrorism through ‘See Something, Send Something’ App

In order to strengthen New York's ability to fight with ever-rising terrorism, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has taken strong measures. He has announced two exceptional efforts including latest terrorism preventing 'See Something, Send Something' app to help and put an end to terrorism.

Europe recession looks enduring, warns think tank

Europe recession looks enduring, warns the IPPR report. It said the severe unemployment and underemployment in Europe are signals of an alarming situation about the deepening recession.

Walmart to begin Cyber Monday sales drive

Global retail major Walmart has announced the commencement of Cyber Monday sales from Sunday night of Thanksgiving weekend. Walmart's first round of deals under Cyber Monday will begin on 29 November. Walmart has taken up Cyber Week staring from 28 November until 4 December. Walmart started holiday sales earlier owing to rising consumer demand. Several products will be available at discounts as part of the holiday sales season.

Apple Pay soon to enter China's grounds by February

Apple Pay is stealing consumer's loyalty in multiple countries. After the introduction of rival services Samsung Pay and Google's Android Pay, Apple Pay also considers the need to expand itself, especially to China which represents as significant business opportunity for mobile-payments systems.

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The fake product reviews posed a serious problem with the festive season knocking at the door. The growth of eCommerce has increased the sale of products online in leaps and bounds. So are the consumer reviews, which go hand in hand with the high revenue generated eCommerce sites.
With the advance of online shopping stealing the market, the retailers who own shops are finding it difficult to maintain their sales. But with a launch of new retailers app, Macy's app, the customers will be enabled to do more convenient shopping.
Are you a die-hard android or iOs game lover? Who would not like to enrich their games collection by including latest 2015 games in their touchscreen devices? To know the hottest game trend of each month, you need to update yourself now and then.
Today, women set their fight straight and groom themselves with the right education to face the competitive world. They create their own space in this aggressive professional industry but do they receive equal facilities as compared with men?
A new study has found that deforestation could lead to the extinction of up to half the species of trees in the Amazon. According to the Washington Post a new study published Friday in the Journal Science Advances has found that 36 to 57 percent of all species of trees in the Amazon are at risk of extinction if deforestation continues.
The house prices peaked in 2006, and then it fell about 30 percent until it hit bottom in 2011. After that house prices have been increasing steadily and it is almost close to its pre-recession peak levels. However, the San Francisco Federal Reserve claims this is not another bubble.
There are unbelievably weird jobs popping up in Britain that pays a ridiculously high amount of money. According to Unum, looking for the right candidates for these particular jobs may take time since they require more specific skills compared to other typical work. One example is the tea taster, which requires the applicant to be good at identifying the different ingredients in a cup of tea.
Researchers at MIT have discovered that much of the data sent and received by 500 most popular Android applications for Google Android cell phones do not have any significant effect on the users' experience.
Australian Prime Minister Malcolm Turnbull urged Chinese Premier Li Keqiang to hasten environmental tests of sulfur content on coal imports as Australian exporters claim that the new standards disrupts the trade and drives down the already low prices.
This November 10 years ago, Microsot launched its Xbox 360, which is still regarded as the most successful Microsoft's game console. With Black Friday is approaching, Microsoft launches special offer for Xbox One, the Xbox 360 successor.