New York Governor’s Praiseworthy Effort to Stop Terrorism through ‘See Something, Send Something’ App
In order to strengthen New York's ability to fight with ever-rising terrorism, Gov. Andrew Cuomo has taken strong measures. He has announced two exceptional efforts including latest terrorism preventing 'See Something, Send Something' app to help and put an end to terrorism.
Europe recession looks enduring, warns think tank
Europe recession looks enduring, warns the IPPR report. It said the severe unemployment and underemployment in Europe are signals of an alarming situation about the deepening recession.
Walmart to begin Cyber Monday sales drive
Global retail major Walmart has announced the commencement of Cyber Monday sales from Sunday night of Thanksgiving weekend. Walmart's first round of deals under Cyber Monday will begin on 29 November. Walmart has taken up Cyber Week staring from 28 November until 4 December. Walmart started holiday sales earlier owing to rising consumer demand. Several products will be available at discounts as part of the holiday sales season.
Apple Pay soon to enter China's grounds by February
Apple Pay is stealing consumer's loyalty in multiple countries. After the introduction of rival services Samsung Pay and Google's Android Pay, Apple Pay also considers the need to expand itself, especially to China which represents as significant business opportunity for mobile-payments systems.