Saudi Arabia may face cash crunch after 5 years
The indications are strong such that mighty Middle East (ME) region also may not sustain cheaper oil prices for long. If oil price continues to hover at $50 per barrel, the majority of Gulf nations will run out of cash in the next five years, according to International Monetary Fund (IMF). There's no exception to Saudi Arabia, the leader of Organization of Petroleum Exporting Countries (Opec), Oman and Bahrain. The oil price drop is expected to pull $350bn out of the ME region this year alone. The current account deficit of Saudi Arabia may touch 20 percent of its GDP this year.
Self-lacing shoes from Back to the Future comes alive
Nike prepares to launch shoes from future, as portrayed on a classic sci-fi action movie, Back to the Future. After securing the patent for its self-lacing shoes, the shoes will be ready to enter the market in the near future.
Goldman Sachs' social impact investment showed successful result in Utah
Goldman Sachs found its pre-kindergarten program in Salt Lake City had worked for both sides: the state, and the company itself. The program was conducted by Utah Voices for Children and was set to expand the spots in the program for 600 children. All of the children involved in the program were from low-income families, and 110 were expected to need special education in elementary school.
This start-up gives moms a $3,000 stipend for maternal clothes
A Utah-based company called Domo Inc. is hoping to attract more talent and to address the needs of their employees by providing a stipend for their expectant mothers to dress professionally and comfortably while carrying a baby.