Samsung struggling to increase revenue

The world's largest smartphone manufacturer, Samsung is struggling to increase its market share after the company continuously reported a decline in profit. The first decline is reported back in its third quarter revenue in 2014. Investors are anxious to see what Samsung has in plan to ensure more revenue for their next quarterly report.

Toyota to launch driverless cars by 2020, unveils semi-automatic Lexus GS

Japanese automobile major Toyota Motor Corp is planning to launch driverless cars in the market by 2020. Toyota will launch three models in semi-automatic range this year in Japan market. The semi-automatic cars equipped with Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) are technology-driven vehicles that change lanes, merge with traffic or even overtake other vehicles. The fourth generation Prius hybrid car is one among the three semi-automatic models is scheduled for launch in Japan market in 2015.

Mercedes-Benz self-driving truck began its road test in Germany's Autobahn 8

Daimler AG's Mercedes-Benz truck, Actros, the world's first self-driving truck, had started its road test on Germany's public highway. Daimler plans to release the autonomous truck by 2020.

US firms stash $2.1tn overseas to skip tax at home

The US companies are keeping their profits made overseas out of the homeland in order to avoid taxes. It's estimated that 500 large US companies are holding over $2.1 trillion accumulated profits overseas to avoid taxes. These companies have to shell out $620billion by paying US taxes to repatriate the funds.

Latest News

Alexis Tsipras-led Greece government has proposed stringent measures in the budget for 2016 year. The draft budget for 2016 indicated a series of tough measures to restore normalcy in the ailing Greece economy.
In America, employees work an average of almost 47 hours a week and rather choose to have more flexible time on the job than less time. Normally a full-time employee works 40 hours or more in a week but at some Swedish firms, work period is cut to 30 hours. Studies showed that lesser hours of work makes employees more productive and promotes better morale, according to CNN Money.
With discouraging response towards the new Galaxy smartphone, Samsubg's share price continued to move down in the market. Samsung's stock was trading 13 percent lower this year so far. Already Samsung's market capitalization dropped by $25 billion following lukewarm sales of S6 and Note 5 devices.
Earlier this week, hundreds of corporate and support jobs will be laid off at Wal-Mart Stores. The cuts come at time Wal-Mart is investing in billions to strengthen its e-commerce for better competition with and Target, giving hundreds of thousands of in-store workers raises.
American employers increased jobs at a quick pace last September, a signal that the labor market is close to full strength. This trend could possibly persuade the Federal Reserve to raise interest rates at one of its two remaining meetings this year, according to the Business Insider.
Bill Gross, a bond manager, forecasts further fall of 10 percent in many asset classes, while advising investors that cash is the best bet until a clear picture about the next direction of the market emerges.
Los Angeles-based American Apparel filed for bankruptcy protection. The clothing company agreed to restructure its finances after negative controversies and slump of sales.
Royal Dutch Shell Plc CEO Ben Van Beurden said that the company will try its best to make sure investors will still receive dividends amid the low oil price. The statement was released by Van Beurden in an email to investors.
The percentage of poor people in the global population is expected to fall below 10 percent in 2015 for the first time, according to the forecast made by World Bank.
Volkswagen board of directors will conduct an 'extraordinary' meeting. Reports say CFO Hans Dieter Poetsch will be appointed as the new head while plans for adjustments will also be discussed.