T-Mobile Users Get Unlimited Calling to Mexico and Canada at No Extra Cost with Mobile without Borders

The Simple Choice North America Plan, otherwise known as "Mobile without Borders," is the latest installment of T-Mobile's Un-carrier Amped program.

Inside Darkode: a malware called Dendroid designed to steal data from Android phones

The Federal Bureau of Investigation has taken down an alleged major hacker's forum on the Internet. This was announced by the agency through the webpage of the US Department of Justice's Office of Public Affairs.

Buenos Aires raids whistleblower of bugs in election software; ISPs ordered to block several websites

A local judge in Buenos Aires has allegedly ordered a raid on the home of a technologist who had disclosed insecurities and weak spots in the source code of the software which will be used to tally votes in the second round of the Argentine capital's upcoming mayoralty elections.

Google Play Newsstand app makes pay content available in four new countries; iOS version of app gets updated

Google has announced that paid content for the Google Play Newsstand Service is now available in four more countries. This brings the total number of territories with access to paid content through the service to 22.

Latest News

As Apple Pay is rolled out successfully in U.K., it is welcomed as a boon by several people in the country for making petite payments such as for tube travel, pound stores, confectionaries, and coffee shops
GoPro is the best product that you can think of when it comes to strapping a camera to yourself while doing crazy stuff. The gadget allows you to provide first-person point-of-view to your viewers. But getting the files from the camera is a little inconvenient. The GoPro on Android is a better idea when extracting data from the small gadget.
Startup Tech Company Twilio sent out letters offering to repurchase stocks, which can be considered a big step that suggests it may finally go public.
The American broadcast television network NBC, is preparing to cast the replacement for Donald Trump in the upcoming season of the reality show, "The Celebrity Apprentice". Rumors have it that George Lopez will be replacing the business mogul. Previously, Lopez had said in an interview that if Trump wins the presidency, then they will have to move out.
The CEO of the Internet message board Reddit will be hosting a forum to discuss several sections on the popular site that are hosting disturbing and offensive content. This was announced in a post by the site's co-founder and current CEO, Steve Huffman.
Amazon Inc., through its subsidiary Amazon Web Services (AWS), will be building a 208 megawatt wind farm in North Carolina. The wind farm will be built and jointly operated by AWS and Iberdrola Renewables, LLC of Portland, Oregon, and is the first utility-scale wind farm in the state.
The states of Illinois, Kentucky and Connecticut, according to a study by Pew Charitable Trust, have been found underfunded by at least $1 trillion.
Greece surrendered to Europe's demands, approved austerity measures to possibly receive a bailout and finally "Grexit" out of the Euro.
MasterCard announces to go global with its well-known hackathon event 'Masters of Code'. The company is expanding the event to multiple cities in the search for best coders.
Some of the top American companies have joined hands to form the 100,000 Opportunities Initiative with a commitment to create economic opportunities for the youth of America. It aims to be the country's largest employer-led coalition with a goal to provide 100,000 young people with employment opportunities by the end of 2018.