Ukraine's parliament backs import tax rises amid budget crisis
Ukraine's parliament gave preliminary approval on Thursday to a law that would simplify tax legislation and impose additional duties on imports, in an effort to raise revenue amid economic crisis.
China offers fresh support for outbound investment
China will simplify currency rules and step up credit support for firms investing overseas, the cabinet said on Wednesday. It was the government's latest move to encourage use of excess factory capacity at home and help local firms grow globally.
Japan $29 billion stimulus seeks quick boost for regional economies: draft
Japan aims to give a quick boost to lagging regional economies and low-income households with subsidies, merchandise vouchers and other schemes in a $29 billion stimulus package aimed at rejuvenating a two-year reflationary effort, a draft of the plan showed.
Japan, wary of North Korea, works to secure infrastructure after Sony attack
Japan, fearing it could be a soft target for possible North Korean cyberattacks in the escalating row over the Sony Pictures hack, has begun working to ensure basic infrastructure is safe and to formulate its diplomatic response, officials said.