U.S. loosening of rule to allow condensate exports started in 2013
More than a year ago, U.S. regulators quietly gave a small company permission to export lightly processed oil known as condensate - a previously unreported ruling that could further strengthen the hand of big energy companies pushing hard to chip away at a 40-year-old ban on domestic crude exports.
Takata shares open down 1 percent after news of criminal probe
Shares of Takata Corp opened down 1 percent on Friday after the Japanese auto parts maker said it was the subject of a U.S. criminal investigation over defective air bags that have been linked to five deaths.
ContraFect Corporation Announces Third Quarter 2014 Results
ContraFect Corporation (NASDAQ: CFRX) (NASDAQ: CFRXW) (NASDAQ: CFRXZ), a biotechnology company focused on the discovery and development of protein therapeutics and antibody products for life-threatening, drug-resistant infectious diseases, today announced results for the third quarter ended September 30, 2014. The Company closed its initial public offering (IPO) on August 1, 2014.
U.S. Treasury's Lew urges Japan to use 'three arrows' of policy-official
U.S. Treasury Secretary Jack Lew emphasized to Japan's finance minister the need for Japan to use all three arrows of its economic recovery policy to escape deflation, a U.S. Treasury official said on Saturday.