China August exports beat forecasts, imports in surprise fall
China's exports rose more than forecast in August while imports unexpectedly fell, pushing the trade surplus to a record high for the second consecutive month and underlining the challenges facing policymakers as they struggle to revive tepid domestic demand.
Traders bracing for late year tumble in soymeal
A combination of record imports and record U.S. soybean production look set to knock soybean meal prices sharply lower over the final months of 2014.
Tests with ships to begin on new Panama Canal locks in mid-2015
Tests with ships will begin in mid-2015 on a new set of locks that are a key component of an expansion of the Panama Canal, the waterway's chief said on Sunday.
State support for job cuts boosts prospects of latest Malaysia Airlines plan
The plan to save Malaysia Airlines (MAS) (MASM.KL) could succeed where past endeavours have failed because the government has finally put politics aside by agreeing to sweeping job cuts, people briefed on the restructuring told Reuters.