Companies in UK Only Show Little Concern Over Brexit
As the country divided in the Brexit issue, British companies showed a little concern regarding Brexit. They considered Brexit do not affect their business activity.
Philippine Business Group Ayala Intends To Manufacture Local Car Brand With Spare Parts
Ayala Corporation, the largest business group by assets in the Philippines has already acquired certain stake in the automotive industry through IMI. Now, the conglomerate eyes to expand its dominance over the industry in line with a comprehensive program naming CARS. With support from the program, Ayala will go for manufacturing local car brand along with spare parts production facility.
Elon Musk’s SpaceX Success May Remain A Dream, Argues Neil deGrasse Tyson
Neil deGrasse Tyson has termed Elon Musk’s SpaceX project as a delusion and argues in favor of his claim. The cost involved appears to be the first hurdle since such gigantic project can’t be implemented without public funds or government patronization. The level of risk and lack of commitments for returning profits are the two other major causes behind his argument.
Macquarie Led Group Wins Approval From Louisiana Acquiring Cleco For $3.4 Billion
A group of investors led by Macquarie has reached an agreement with utility company Cleco to acquire the latter for $3.4 billion during October 2014. The acquisition proposal has previously been rejected by Louisiana PSC last month due to absence of best interest offerings to the Cleco customers. However, the deal has been approved on Monday following revised commitments from both the parties.