Gmail and Google+ hit with widespread outage
Google just got hit with an outage that brought down Gmail, Google Plus, Google Voice, Hangouts, and other services which lasted for around 20 minutes and got resolved by 12:23 PM Pacific Time.
Founders of Indian SMS-based offline search engine seek $500K in seed funding for Jelly rival
The co-founders of Bangalore, India-based offline search engine Innoz are seeking $500,000 in seed funding to build a rival app for Jelly which will target the US market.
Viridor invests in £25M glass recycling facility in Scotland
UK-based recycling, renewable energy and waste management firm Viridor invested in a £25-million glass recycling facility in Scotland that will help create 300 full-time jobs in the country.
National Asset Management Agency to offer free offices for startups in Ireland
The Irish government will be offering empty buildings owned by the National Asset Management Agency (NAMA) as free offices for startups under the 2014 Action Plan for Jobs.