There isn't a lot of information and tools to help you navigate an economic recession, and for young professionals, buying their first homes, saving for retirement, or buying their first car may not happen, as more than half of what they make goes to paying off student loans. This is where FitBUX comes in.
Articles by David Thompson
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Less than traditional models can work as the work environments of some industries have changed. The shift to remote work has changed quite a bit in terms of perfecting a business model. Below are 5 untraditional entrepreneurial ventures that can result in massive financial gains.
From fashion to activism, Gen Z is showing the world that it does things a little differently than its predecessors. And that's holding true for the world of startups, where young founders are forging a new path, even as many leaders struggle to keep up with their preferences. Fortunately, the founders of Launch House - Brett Goldstein, Michael Houck, and Jacob Peters - are here for the change, and ready to serve today's entrepreneurs in the manner they're seeking.
“It is better that 10 guilty persons escape than that one innocent suffer.”
— Sir William Blackstone, English jurist, judge, and politician
Matt Kirkegaard, the founder of Movement Property Group, is a fan of Nashville before all else. He moved to the city for its world-famous music scene in 2007 and even lived through a period of sleeping in his car just to be in the heart of the music city’s eclectic culture.
In the mental health field, we often think about treatment after someone has already reached a state of crisis, developed a mental illness, or has been given a diagnosis. But what if we could prevent mental illness before it even starts? That's where pre-therapy comes in.
The Listings Lab provides agents with three strategic training programs to help them in their move to create a highly sustainable and scalable seven-figure business. Its founder, Jess Lenouvel, is known for helping real estate agents learn the tricks of the trade and grow their incomes to seven figures, shares that one of the key reasons she loves training this new generation of agents is that today's realtors must learn to conform to the changing times.
As a social concept, popularity is a measurement of "how much a person, idea, place, or other concept is liked or accorded status by other individuals." In the 1990s, most people got their information from magazines, billboards, and television - only a select few were able to meet their favorite singers, actors, and models.
While people used to criticize it and associate it with negative connotations, nowadays, getting a hair implant is considered a standard way of getting fuller, healthier hair. In a few years, the market for this type of surgery will exceed $40 billion!
Turkey’s medical tourism has been booming for years, as the country boasts of some of the top medical experts in numerous fields, including hair transplantation.