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The San Francisco-based ride-hailing company Lyft has teamed up with Hertz Global Holdings Inc for offering rental cars to its drivers. Hertz offers car rentals on daily, weekly and monthly basis and now these services will be available as part of the agreement with Lyft, which offers rental cars to drivers who don't have their own cars or meet Lyft standards. On a pilot basis, Lyft plan with Hertz is available for drivers in Las Vegas and it will expand this plan to other locations soon. Lyft has also partnered with Shell for providing gasoline at discounted price to its drivers.
Marking a major feature since its inception in 2006, Twitter has released new app 'Twitter Moments' for bringing news updates to its users. Twitter Moments tool keeps up the users about news breaks without the need to watch multiple news platforms reducing time and effort. Twitter Moments app works on iOS, Android, and desktop and is initially available for US market only.
The American Academy of Arts and Sciences released a recent report detailing where most of the people's money were being put into, which revealed that 11 of the states in America are spending more on prison institutions than on higher education.
Microsoft Corporation introduces Microsoft Band 2. It will be on sale for $249 starting October 30. The new Microsoft Band fitness tracker was unveiled on Tuesday. It will run on Windows 10 OS. The wearable band will be available for $249.
Sony Corp is in the process of offloading it stake that's half of Sony/ATV Music Publishing, which is the world's largest music publisher. Sony and Michael Jackson's Estate jointly own Sony/ATV Music Publishing. The joint agreement between Sony and Michael Jackson's Estate that allows one partner can buy out the other.
The future of personalized footwear has gotten a lot more interesting thanks to a recent update from Adidas revealing their plans to use 3D Printing technology to create a series of running shoes that will be the first of its kind.
Volkswagen recently faced a devastating dilemma with its scandal emission and the resignation of its CEO Martin Winterkorn. Now, VW has announced a recall of its affected vehicles as it aims to complete the repair by end of 2016.
Hillary Clinton, the US Democratic Presidential candidate, has raised her voice against the 12 nation Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP). Clinton said the agreement is not enough to keep tabs on currency manipulation or protecting consumers from high drug prices
The major banks from the US have exposure to the debt of ailing commodity giant Glencore Plc. Bank of America, Citigroup, JPMorgan Chase and Morgan Stanley have reportedly lent $350million apiece to Glencore. North American banks contributed 20percent of the total loan exposure of Glencore. The ongoing slump in commodities market adversely impacted the Swiss-based Glencore's performance. This indicates potential alarming situation for the American banks if embattled Glencore slips into a liquidity crisis. Glencore is engaged in commodity trading and mining activities.
Discovering antidotes and treatments from common to deadly diseases is a major breakthrough. Thanks to these three scientists who found a cure to get rid of parasitic diseases that has been a plague to mankind for centuries.
Whether it's for an emergency fund, a college education, or a comfortable retirement, it's important to have savings. It's a crucial step in taking control of your financial life and can even have positive effects to other areas such as your emotional and physical wellbeing.
In a respectable attempt to provide access to the Internet throughout hard-to-reach places, Facebook is scheduling a satellite launch this 2016 that aims to make the World Wide Web readily accessible to people living in remote parts of Africa.
Whatever your reason on why you have to leave your current job doesn't matter. It's about your response. When doing a work exit, most employees are usually overwhelmed in the situation they are in. May your reason be a dreadful working environment, tyrannical hierarchy, or a new, greener field you are excited to be yourself in, you have to remember that leaving is not just all about you-- it is for every person in the room as well.
SunEdison Inc., a solar company announced Monday about its plans to optimize its business operations and increase cash flow. This move will include layoffs, according to an internal company memo.
Volvo's Drive Me Project has finally revealed the technology that's behind the autonomous driving interface which they've appropriately named the IntelliSafe Auto Pilot. The control interface is easy enough to use, and surprisingly straightforward. When the driver is ready to put the Volvo on autopilot, the destination is set in the car's navigation system and it illuminates both shift paddles when it's ready to take over the driving. When the driver pulls both paddles simultaneously, all he needs to do is sit back and enjoy the ride.
The San Francisco Police Department and the Federal Aviation Administration will be working hand in hand to ban drones while imposing a $10,000 fine for offenders during the 2015 Fleet Week which is set to happen this weekend.
Taking cues from the overnight gains on Wall Street, Asian markets moved upwards marginally on Thursday. The reopening of trading in Chinese markets after a long-week holiday streak also infused fresh interest into the market.
As part of its restructuring plan to reduce costs, Monsanto Co has decided to cut 2,600 jobs. The slashing of jobs accounts for 11.6 percent of total employees at Monsanto. With an objective of boosting confidence for investors, Monsanto has taken up share buyback exercise.
Tracking to the steep drop of over 25 percent in competitor Nu Skin shares, Nutrition company Herbalife Ltd's stock also plunged over seven percent.
The ongoing talks between Airbus and Bombardier have ended incomplete as the former called off discussions soon after they became public.
US President Barrack Obama makes his first public remarks in front of business leaders at the U.S. Agriculture Department saying that he is confident that Congress will approve the Trans-Pacific Partnership (TPP) trade deal.
The world's largest smartphone manufacturer, Samsung is struggling to increase its market share after the company continuously reported a decline in profit. The first decline is reported back in its third quarter revenue in 2014. Investors are anxious to see what Samsung has in plan to ensure more revenue for their next quarterly report.
Japanese automobile major Toyota Motor Corp is planning to launch driverless cars in the market by 2020. Toyota will launch three models in semi-automatic range this year in Japan market. The semi-automatic cars equipped with Intelligent Transportation System (ITS) are technology-driven vehicles that change lanes, merge with traffic or even overtake other vehicles. The fourth generation Prius hybrid car is one among the three semi-automatic models is scheduled for launch in Japan market in 2015.
Daimler AG's Mercedes-Benz truck, Actros, the world's first self-driving truck, had started its road test on Germany's public highway. Daimler plans to release the autonomous truck by 2020.
The US companies are keeping their profits made overseas out of the homeland in order to avoid taxes. It's estimated that 500 large US companies are holding over $2.1 trillion accumulated profits overseas to avoid taxes. These companies have to shell out $620billion by paying US taxes to repatriate the funds.
Apple Inc. confirmed today that its company had acquired a startup technology company call Perceptio. The detail of the acquisition is not made public as told by Apple spokesman to Bloomberg.
The worldwide games developer, Ubisoft, finally acquires Ivory Tower, the French maker of The Crew racing game. After years of collaboration with Ubisoft driving experts, Reflections, Ivory Tower is now part of the Ubisoft. The gaming developer confirmed the acquisition in the blog.
Alexis Tsipras-led Greece government has proposed stringent measures in the budget for 2016 year. The draft budget for 2016 indicated a series of tough measures to restore normalcy in the ailing Greece economy.
In America, employees work an average of almost 47 hours a week and rather choose to have more flexible time on the job than less time. Normally a full-time employee works 40 hours or more in a week but at some Swedish firms, work period is cut to 30 hours. Studies showed that lesser hours of work makes employees more productive and promotes better morale, according to CNN Money.
With discouraging response towards the new Galaxy smartphone, Samsubg's share price continued to move down in the market. Samsung's stock was trading 13 percent lower this year so far. Already Samsung's market capitalization dropped by $25 billion following lukewarm sales of S6 and Note 5 devices.
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