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The latest trailer for "Five Nights at Freddy's World" has been released and introduces a fun and cute tone. However, contrary to the said trailer, Scott Cawthon posted a dead Mangle image in game's official website.
The new trailer for "Pokken Tournament" reveals the game's playable characters and introduces a darker version of the badass Mewtwo. The Pokemon is believed to be a boss character in the game's Extra Battle mode.
The official website for "Star Fox Zero" has been launched courtesy of Nintendo. The site features, among others, screenshots and game arts.
The Samsung Z3 is expected to arrive in 11 European countries before 2015 ends. The device is armed with a much powerful specs than Z1, making it suitable for European consumers needs.
The Samsung Galaxy On5 and On7 recently reached the second largest market. The price, specs and features of both handsets were itemized
Star Citizen called Alpha 2.0 has no specific date for its release. Game developer promised that the update will change the course of flying.
Harmonix announced that the new DLC contains songs from the 70s, which was available since November 4.
Details about Tom Hiddleston's experience in South Sudan and how the children and their situation left him with a burden, his James Bond potential and his possible new found romance.
Booth and Brennan works on the case of the murdered U.S. Senator in 'Bones' Season 11 Episode 6. Elsewhere, Emily Deschanel shares the struggle of portraying her character. Moreover, the synopsis has been released.
EP Eli Roth shares that the finale gave them the chance to kill almost all the characters in 'Hemlock Grove' Season 3. This also marks to be the last season of the show. Despite the cancellation, the show earned a spot in Netflix's 50 Best TV Dramas.
The way that Metal Gear Solid V: The Phantom Pain has shown all of its great attributes surely caught the attention of many gamers, both the veterans and newcomers. Does this mean that an expansion from the latest one is bound to come soon?
Bethesda's Fallout 4 is all ready to receive the mass' adoration, and with a lot expectations to please, players are ready to take on the rest of the world with their latest feature. The new Build Planner may just be what the patrons of the game need to go forth with the chaotic mishap that the game is to undergo.
The new smartphone LG G5 will be released having the new Snapdragon 820 chipset. The device is expected to come in 5.6-inch screen along with 20MP, 4K videos, 4GB RAM, Touch ID-like technology and more.
Sony may not release its new anticipated smartphone Sony Xperia Z6 during the first quarter or even in the second half of 2016. However, the new device is expected to come with serious significant improvements when it launches.
On November 11, the new Apple iPad Pro that has a larger screen will finally hit both online and Apple retail stores on November 11. The device comes with A9X processor and its new Apple Pencil stylus.
The Dark Tower is expected to premiere on the same date with the upcoming Friday the 13th reboot. King also gave the rights to majority of his works, including some of the books in The Dark Tower series to the publisher, Scribner. Russell Crowe and Idris Elba remains to be heavily linked to the project.
New speculations are currently surrounding the upcoming Big Hero 7 suggest that Disney could be eyeing on creating a cinematic universe for the franchise, with possible spin-offs for Fredzilla and Honey Lemon. Meanwhile, rumors about Tadashi's potential return continue to be persistent.
Nintendo will release The Legend of Zelda in 2016. Rumors of an NX release is gaining traction. This week, Nintendo Japan announced that The Legend of Zelda Wii U release date will be moved from 2015 to 2016 to coincide with its 30th anniversary of the franchise.
Holland recently posted a photo which sparked speculations that the upcoming Spider-Man Reboot could be based on the 'Ultimate' series while Jon Watts teased on Miles Morales' possible appearance. Meanwhile, actor Rhys Ifan revealed what he hopes to be the focus of the project.
The Academy Award-winning actress Nicole Kidman is said to be joining the cast of Wonder Woman. All negotiations about the specifics of the role and the film is ongoing as they are finalizing all the necessary details to start the shoot this year and make it to their June 23, 2017 release.
‘Kung Fu Panda 3’ has recently released it latest trailer. Jack Black is returning to voice Po the Panda. Po reunites with his real father and is taken back to a secret panda village. He finds himself tasked at training his fellow pandas to defeat a new supernatural villain named Kai.
‘Finding Dory’ will feature the return of Ellen DeGeneres as Dory the amnesiac blue tang. It is officially set for release on June 17, 2017 and will follow six months after the events of the first film ‘Finding Nemo’. New characters have been introduced during the Disney D23 Expo in Anaheim.
‘Fantastic Four 2’ is a planned sequel to the first reboot released on 2015. 21st Century Fox blamed the drop in revenue for the first film’s poor performance in the box office. Fox and Marvel quickly shot down recent rumors of the franchise’s return to Marvel.
‘Kingsman: The Secret Service 2’ will start filming on April 2016. Rising star Taron Egerton is all set to return to his role as Eggsy Unwin, a Londoner recruited into a secret spy organization. He has also been cast in several new films including ‘Robin Hood: Origins’ and a remake of ‘Billionaire Boys Club’.
The Duke and Duchess of Cambridge are set to meet up with social media giants Twitter and Facebook. The royal couple is looking into stopping cyber bullying influenced by various stories of youth as well as their posts as loving parents to Prince George and Princess Charlotte.
Expendables 4, sequel to the Expendables ensemble is expected to be released in cinemas on 2017 with its promise of more action packed scenes and new casts that will surely make everybody sit on the edge of their seats
Martin Shkreli, CEO of Turing Pharmaceuticals, is involved in a controversy about the price gouging of his pharma's drug Daraprim, a pill made for patients who are going through severe immune system issues such as AIDS and cancer.
Jennifer Lawrence is heading towards the final phase of the 'The Hunger Games' trilogy. After the film, the actress hinted that she will be co-writing and building a new project with Amy Schumer.
As the Knockouts ended this week, The Voice Season 9 Episode 15 prepares performers for LIve Playoffs as coaches finally finalized their teams plus eliminated from the Knockout will have a chance to be part of top 12.
Gigi Hadid and Kendall Jenner are the newest faces of Victoria Secret and will be making their debut on the famous runway in just a few days. However, despite the excitement of Gigi and Kendall's presence, Rihanna fans will be disappointed to hear that the 27-year-old singer backed out of her scheduled performance just days before the show is to take place.