
JP Morgan Predicted a Fall in Profits for Investment Banks This Year

A research conducted by JP Morgan analysts revealed that global investment banks would suffer a fall in profits this year. The fall could differ between regions, but average earnings are estimated to be down by 20 percent and revenues by 21 percent. Challenging economic environment is believed to negatively affect the global investment markets.

Drones: Swiss Researchers Developed a Software For Drones to Search for Lost Hikers

Switzerland receives about 1000 emergency calls from hikers every year. In order to create a technology that could give a faster response and search more effectively for lost or injured hikers, a group of researchers developed a software with a combination of Artificial Intelligence. The software enable drones to autonomously navigate forest areas and direct themselves to hiking trails.

Online Dating: The Use of Online Dating Services Is Increasing, According to Recent Research

A recent research shows that there is a significant increase in the use of online dating services, especially via mobile dating apps. There are also significant increases in two particular age groups, which is young adults and older adults between the age of 55-64 years old. Personal safety remains a major issue for online daters, but most still believe that the method is more efficient and help them find a better match.

Stentrode to channelize power of mind to move bionic limbs

The Royal Melbourne Hospital is on the verge of a medical breakthrough with its 'Stentrode' - a small, paper-clip-like brain implantation that is said to bring back mobility to paralyzed patients. This cure will eliminate the need of an open brain surgery, and the first clinical trials on human are slated to begin in 2017 in Melbourne.

Latest News

Samsung has released 4K Blu-ray player, UBD-K8500/ZA at selective stores of Santa Monica. The product has been expected to get released sometime in March. The new video player for $399 is believed to offer a superb content viewing experience.
Apple has tasted the sweet of transforming iPhone apps to Android compatible versions through Apple Music in 2015. In addition to introduce versatile range of products, Apple CEO has announced the future plan in a company wide meeting. Analysts have presumed that Apple is considering every feasible mean to boost up revenue earnings.
Luxembourg has proposed to tap the mineral-rich asteroids orbiting between Earth and Mars for minerals that are scarce in our planet. Its deputy prime minister, Etienne Schneider, has already announced the roll-out of the initiative named, which will be set up with the help of its US and European commercial partners.
According to PwC and NVCA report, Charlottesville has been the fastest growing startup since 2010. Between 2010-2015, venture-backed startups increased 55% annually in the place where Thomas Jefferson's house is located.
Today, India's largest biotech company announced to have been able to make two vaccines for zika virus. A day before, France's Sanofi Pasteur planned to research on vaccine for the mosquito-borne disease.
Venture capital and private equity that sprung from California Bay Area in 1960's has been a global phenomenon. A Canadian reseach institute publish a report about venture capital investment in tech startups around the world.
Google has set a milestone in the field of artificial technology, with its latest innovation AlphaGo. The program has been designed to tackle the 10 to the power of 700 variations that the ancient Chinese game of Go offers. Additionally, they beat FaceBook in this race, as Zuckerberg had announced the launch of a similar program called Darkforest around the same time.
Lesser light falls on the small smart-phone image censor and thus the image quality appears better in larger cameras. But smart-phone industry is in the trend for getting slimmer. Apple has recently been awarded with a patent that is capable of providing better image quality through small, spherical curved lenses. The patented imaging gears are suitable for iPhones and iPads.
Zika has appeared as a nightmare to many Latin American countries. The number of Zika infected has reached 4 million landmarks since reporting of the first case just eight months earlier. Absence of proper vaccine has made the situation much more terrible. Recently, scientists have escalated the fears revealing climate change may also contribute to the spread of Zika and other mosquito borne diseases.
Apple has been used to acquire smaller technology enterprises occasionally and is reluctant to discussing its policy or plan. This has been referred as the Apple’s usual nod for purchasing any company by the analysts. Thus the analysts confirm Apple’s Flyby Media acquisition and predict developing of iPhone headsets capable of tracking subject’s motion.
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