US venture capital investment shows slow growth in 2013 but trending upwards- report
US venture capital investment hardly moved last year but was already trending upwards as investments in the fourth quarter increased, The Wall Street Journal blog Venture Capital Dispatch reported.
VC Funding in Smart Grid Reaches $405 Million in 2013, Reports Mercom Capital Group
Mercom Capital Group, llc released its report on funding and mergers and acquisitions (M&A) activity for the smart grid sector for 2013.
Investors see better, cheaper payment technology potential in Bitcoin- report
Investors see in Bitcoin the potential to provide a payment technology that could undermine the dominance of Visa Inc, Western Union or Citigroup Inc in the industry, Bloomberg reported.
New research showcases benefits of crowdfunding for entrepreneurs
New research from Capital Crowdfund Advisors showed that entrepreneurs who crowdfunded did very well, getting an increase in sales, among others, Forbes Contributor Cheryl Conner reported.