South/Central America
Alupar IPO in Sao Paulo a success
Alupar IPO in Sao Paulo raises nearly US$421 million. The Brazilian electricity transmission and generation company, Alupar Investimento SA had raised nearly US$421 million in the first initial public offering in South America, It is the first utility to do so since the Lehman Brothers bankruptcy in 2008.
OGX to sell oil interests to Lukoil and Petronas
The beleaguered OGX Petroleo is seeking stake sales of oil interests with Petronas and Lukoil. The flagship corporation of Brazilian mogul Eike Bautista, OGX Petroleo e Gas SA, is in negotations to sell off its 40% shareholdings to Russia's Lukoil.
BP Reviewing Mad Dog 2 Project
BP is now undertaking a specific review of Mad Dog 2 as to the economies of scale and profits. British Petroleum is currently taking a new look at its oil project in the Gulf of Mexico.
Homex Bond and Share Values Surge on Asset Sales
Homex bonds and share values jumped to record levels as it sold off two assets to Carlos Slim controlled corporations.