Tags: ABC TV Series

'Pretty Little Liars' Season 6B Spoilers: Secrets revealed; Aria’s evil side will reign?

'Pretty Little Liars' Season 6B is among the series to watch out for next month as the dark secrets of the girls are revealed. Furthermore, teasers have mentioned of Aria's dakr side being seen and felt by everyone.

'General Hospital' Spoilers December 7-11: Furious Jason walks out on Liz; Liz, Nikolas prepare for fallout from their lies

"General Hospital" spoilers for the week of December 11 reveal that Jason finally learns that Liz has been lying to him. Liz warns Nikolas to prepare for a possible fall out from their lies.

Kate’s pregnancy won’t happen in 'Castle' Season 8; Rick, Kate struggle with their secret affair

The upcoming scenes of 'Castle' Season 8 confirmed that Kate's pregnancy will never happen. Furthemore, it appears that the couple, Rick and Kate will hide their covert relationship from their peers and families.

‘Agents of SHIELD’ Season 3, Episode 9 closure synopsis revealed; Is it really the end or the beginning?

‘Agents Of Shield’ Season 3, Episode 9, 'Closure' will offer thrills and unexpected scenes for the fans and followers alike as the showdown between Ward and Coulson finally comes. The Closure episode revealed the forthcoming agony between the two teams and many are wondering if this is really the end for them all.

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‘Once Upon A Time’ latest updates reveals the upcoming arrival of the Dark One as it possesses Hook's whole being. It appears that the bad gets badder in the upcoming scenes of this much loved series.
Marvel's Agents Of S.H.I.E.L.D upcoming episode revealed Quake's emotions as well as Ward's desire for Coulson's downfall.
Castle' Season 8 episodes will focus more on the relationship between Rick Castle and Kate. Also, teasers have revealed of the couple's desire to fix whatever is left of their marriage and to rebuild trust one more.
‘Agent Carter’ Season 2 will surely mesmerized the fans and fanatics as it returns on its primetime slot by next year. Love life and new mission revealed.
‘Grey's Anatomy’ Season 12 brings Nathan's past to light as well as issues concerning sibling rivalry. The scenes are compelling as the past are revealed and the conflict risese between Meredith and Amelia.
Scandal Season 5 Fall Finale brings a lot of changes to all characters. In the finale Pope wants to be killed and Liv might get her wish and settle as the first lady.
‘Agent Carter’ Season 2 premiere is brewing on the horizon. The fans and followers will surely enjoy amazing scenes as the series launched its episodes with a new location and more plotlines.
‘Dancing With The Stars’ recent update revealed the controversy involving two men who were banned from dancing and performing in the show due to ABC's discomfort over their so-called gay dancing.
‘Once Upon A Time’ season 5 will be remembered for its unique plotlines as the good turned bad and the bad turning good. A shift in the characters will also marked as Emma reveals her evil plans to save the people that she loved the most.
'Castle' Season 8, Episode 7 spoilers will really take each passing moment with much edge and thrills as the characters hunt the killer, Beckett comes back to the show and Rick trying to be romantic in love.
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