Tags: Artificial intelligence

Autonomous Cars: China's Search Engine Baidu is Determined to Enter the Markets

The statement came from Baidu's senior vice president Wang Jing. He believes that Baidu has some advantage over other car makers, especially local knowledge. The company has already invested a lot in the development of AI, that could help the development of autonomous cars.

Robots, Automation and Artificial Intelligence to replace Human Jobs According to The World Economic Forum

With the advancement of technologies, businesses would prefer robots or artificial intelligence as workers. However, the industries would still need growing numbers of certain skilled workers.

Google Claims its D-Wave Quantum Computers Works; Conducted Experiments Using Quantum Annealing Technique

Google claims that its D-Wave quantum computers are really working. With the experiments performed, it has proven that they can solve complex mathematical problems for a hundred million times.

Smartphones to become obsolete in 5 years, Artificial intelligence will take over

Swedish telecom expert, Ericsson, has claimed that artificial intelligence will soon become the mode of interaction and communication overpowering smartphone in the next 5 years.

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China's top search engine Baidu Inc has hired GoogleInc's former artificial intelligence (AI) chief Andrew Ng to spearhead research in a field that promises to show Internet companies how to maximize use of their vast data trove.
Search giant Google will be purchasing London-based artificial intelligence startup DeepMind founded by Demis Hassabis, Jaan Tallin and Shane Legg, according to news website Re/code.
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