Tags: Bank of England

Factory activity in Europe, Asia cools; demand lull a concern

Factory activity in Europe and Asia cooled in August after a strong July, as new orders dwindled in the face of escalating tensions in Ukraine and a patchy recovery in China, purchasing managers indexes showed.

UK to consider new rules to raise funding for SMBs

The UK government is mulling on rule changes that would make it easier for small and medium-sized businesses (SMBs) to obtain funding from alternative financiers and new banks.

Bank of England robust job data raises doubts on rates

The Bank of England's record low interest rates were doubted after an unexpected dissent from its policymaker and its robust jobs data.

UK services growth exceeds forecasts, proves Britain on its way to economic recovery

For the first time in over six years, activity in the services sector in the UK grew to its fastest pace.

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Vue Entertainment sells bonds for LBO funding The cinema operator Vue Entertainment Ltd. planned to sell bonds on a meeting with investors. The proceeds of this bond sale would be used to fund the company's leveraged buyout.
UK stocks rose to their highest in 6 months There was a rise in United Kingdom stocks this week, the biggest weekly gain seen in six months. There was an increase of 78.
Asian stocks were swept up by Europe's rally while Euro continued to sulk. On Friday, Asian stocks increased as Euro tended its losses. This transpired after Europe's two most influential banks assured venture capitalists.
Because of the strong commitments to European Central Bank and Bank of England's easy money policies, Japan's Nikkei share average soared to a five-week high.
The Monetary Policy Committee would keep the quantitative easing and benchmark interest rate unaltered as the new governor tries to drive UK away from financial problems.
Barclays may need to cut down on lending to comply with the Bank of England's leverage ratio requirements.
Mark Carney, the bank of England's new governor was urged to set aside GBP1 billion for small businesses to ais in UK's recovery.
The transfer of funds exempted Laiki Bank UK from Cyprus Bailout. The United Kingdom branch of the Laiki Bank has evaded the so-called 'haircut' of depositors in the beleaguered Cypriot bank.
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