Tags: Bitcoin
Report predicts bitcoin will fail
The Bitcoin is doomed to fail because it is private money. This was the view expressed by Edward Hadas, the economics editor of Reuters' Breakingviews.
Bitcoin gets competition from rival virtual currencies
The competition is growing in the world of virtual currencies as other rivals tout their advantages over the bitcoin, a report from The New Y0rk Times The Dealbook reveals.
Bitcoin and other digital currencies on the rise
Almost all cryptocurrencies (peer-to-peer digital currencies) has been growing fast over the last seven days, including Bitcoin, Litecoin, PeerCoin, Megacoin, and Namecoin, according to coinmarketcap.com.
Growing acceptance of bitcoin propels virtual currency past USD 1000 mark
The wider acceptance of bitcoins reportedly brought its trading value at over the USD 1,000 mark on Mt. Gox, encouraging speculators to grab their share of the virtual currency.