Tags: Charlie hebdo

The Biggest Twitter Moments Of 2015

Twitter, a kind of real time pulse tracking the events as they happen where people from around the gather in moments of triumph, activism, support and fascination to express their views, have revealed the most popular tweets of 2015. The hashtag # JeSuisParis, used to show solidarity with the French capital in the wake of its second terrorist attack, marked the most talked-about moment of the year.

Social Media Drives Significant Web Traffic to Trending Stories According to Analysis

Nowadays, we get more news from online sources rather than local newspaper. Parse.ly, a publishing analytic company reported that social media has become more important to drive web traffic on top stories of the 2015.

Charlie Hebdo Massacre Aftermath: Time to Step Up Anti-terror Plans?

Three months after the Charlie Hebdo killings, different countries have made decisive moves. The surviving editors and staffers are as defiant as ever. Meantime, France has stepped up its anti-terror plan, while Turkey has opted to impose a blanket ban on Charlie Hebdo websites.

US Company Buys Rights to Charlie Hebdo Film -- Kino Lorber Believes on “Catalyst for Change”

A month after the deadly terrorist attack that took 12 lives at Charlie Hebdo, Kino Lorber purchased the rights to the 2008 documentary film about the workings of some of the most controversial satire’s of Pyramide that sparked the rage of Muslim activists.

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Tina Fey and Amy Poehler did not hold back on their final time hosting Golden Globes as they made jokes out of hot topics such as North Korea, Sony hack, and Bill Cosby. Stars like Jared Leto, George Clooney, and Amy Adams show support for Paris terrorist attack on the red carpet.