Tags: China

China Soon To Be The World's Greatest Crude Importer This Year, Enhancing More Investment In The Energy Industry

China is predicted to be the world's largest crude importer, replacing the U.S. This is also as a result the new policy made by the government in allowing smaller refineries import and process their own crude.

India Focuses On Mitigating Impact Of Slow Economy In China, Heading To Be The Fastest Growing Country In Asia To Grow Faster

India remains stand out despite the slowing down China's economy, which has caused large impacts to the global economy. India is predicted to be the fastest-growing country in the world this year. Some impacts should be faced by the Indian export markets. However, India keeps focusing on the actions that can improve the economy growth.

Hang Lung’s chief confident about Hong Kong property market being ‘healthiest’ in 25 years

In the face of declining home prices, as evident from the last quarter, the chairman of Hang Lung Group, Hong Kong's leading developer, expressed that the city property market is now more robust than it has ever been in the last 25 years.

ChemChina is one step closer to acquire Swiss agrochemicals Syngenta

Previously, the company has also purchased German's KraussMaffei Group. Also, Chinese companies investment overseas is growing.

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The top online search engine already had the initial discussions with the three Indian startups. Baidu seeks to expand to India due to growing online population and internet user.
The company aims to establish other R&D offices overseas, especially in the United States and Europe. By doing that, they strive to deliver better quality and technology that could enter globat markets.
Chinese iron ore imports rose to a record-high in December, suggesting that demand from the world’s largest consumer remains robust. The enormous increase coincided with signs of continued inventory restocking at chinese ports.
Socialist democratic China historically backs socialist North Korea in latter’s economic and political missions. North Korea has announced successful testing of hydrogen bomb on Wednesday last. Long time friend China this time joins the US fearing regional destabilization through the neighbor’s dreadful nuke tests.
China is undergoing a range of economic difficulties that has slowed the entire country's economy. From fixing the falling currency value to getting more people to spend, here are some possible solutions.
China's slowdown has caused negative effects in businesses and countries around the world that financially depend on a large chunk of business with the Asian country. China must transition into a consumer drive economy in order to grow in the future, but the steps necessary to do so are complicating their international partnerships.
US Treasuries dropped for the first time in seven days as China concerns eased. The unexpected depreciation of Yuan by China's central bank sent shock waves across the global markets. This triggered selloff in equities and forced investors towards safe havens such as treasuries and gold.
The Chinese startups showing off their products at CES this year demonstrated the large amount of innovations being created in the country. The companies debuted impressive smartphones, car-smartphone integrations, and giant helicopter-like drones.
China seeks to disarm North Korea nuclear weapon. Beijing has initiated dialogue with South Korea after North Korean conducted its fourth nuclear test on Wednesday.
In the recent update of South China Sea dispute, incident of Chinese coastguard attacking Vietnamese fishermen occurred even more. The fishermen were beaten and their equipments were broken. Chinese coastguard also damaged the ship.
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