Tags: China
ECB quietly pins its hopes on falling euro
Grappling with an ailing euro zone economy and stagnant prices, the European Central Bank is hoping that help will come from something it cannot control: the value of the euro.
World Bank trims China, East Asia 2014-2016 growth forecasts
The World Bank cut its 2014-2016 growth forecasts for developing East Asia, noting that China was likely to slow due to policies aimed at putting the economy on a more sustainable footing, and it also cautioned of capital-flight risks to Indonesia.
Surging dollar may be triple whammy for U.S. earnings
The suddenly unstoppable U.S. dollar is posing a triple threat to American companies' profits: driving up the costs of doing business overseas, suppressing the value of non-U.S. sales and, perhaps most worryingly, signaling weak international demand.
Big Shift in China's Consumer Economy Impacts Its Role Providing Cheap Consumer Goods on the Worldwide Stage
China's growing consumer economy will lead to rise in prices and eventually reduce its role as the supplier of cheap consumer goods to the world.