Tags: China
Chinese cosmetics retailer JuMei to raise $400M in US IPO
Beijing, China-based online cosmetics and perfume retailer JuMei filed for an initial public offering (IPO) in the US to raise $400 million, based in a document filed with the US Securities and Exchange Commission.
Chinese posture-correcting wearable device Giraffe Friend launches crowdfunding campaign on DemoHour
Giraffe Friend, a wearable device that reminds the user to correct bad posture to prevent backaches, launched a crowdfunding campaign on DemoHour and has already raised $14,000 (CNY87,527).
Chinese messaging app WeChat releases image recognition to third-party users
Guangzhou, China-based mobile messaging app WeChat released its image recognition SDK (Software Development Kit) this week to allow third-party users to add the technology to their accounts.
New York ultracapacitor maker Ioxus secures $21M in Series C round
Oneonta, US-based large format ultracapacitor manufacturer Ioxus secured $21 million in its Series C funding round to help address climate change by integrating its products into hybrid buses in China.