Tags: Chinese economy


China Set to Introduce $283 Billion Stimulus This Weekend to Boost Consumer Spending and Provide Local Debt Relief

Investors are hopeful that China will announce a fiscal stimulus package of up to $283 billion to boost economic recovery and reduce reliance on debt-driven growth.

China's Economic Outlook Is a 'Flashing Red' With Weak Recovery, Analysts Warn

China’s economic outlook is deteriorating, with lowered GDP growth expectations and housing, consumer spending, and industrial production issues.

Xi Jinping's Policies Blamed for China's Struggle to Attract Investors Abroad

Chinese officials face challenges in attracting foreign investment due to doubts fueled by Xi Jinping's policies, despite reassurances from top leaders and intensified overseas engagements.

China’s Yuan Beats US Dollar as the Top Currency Traded in Russia

China's yuan has ousted the US dollar as the most traded currency in Russia in 2023. China's yuan has ousted the US dollar as the most traded currency in Russia in 2023.

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The overall slow in the Chineses economy does not hurt General Motors' growth in the market. China still remains the largest market for General Motors, according to its president Daniel Ammann.
China will release its economic growth data on Tuesday, and most financial institutions are expecting the slowest expansion rate since 1990.
Chinese President Xi Jinping said on Saturday that the country should not focus on its economic growth rate only, reiterating China's push for a more sustainable, higher-quality expansion.
Chinese industrial profits dropped 4.2 percent in November to 676.12 billion yuan ($108.85 billion), official data showed on Saturday, the biggest annual decline since August 2012 as the economy hit major unexpected headwinds in the second half.
UN General Assembly President Vuk Jeremic lauded the strong growth posted by the Chinese economy. Vuk Jeremic, the President of the United National General Assembly, told Chinese media that the world's second largest economy was among those that posted the strongest growth globally.