Tags: GDP

China services sector growth weakens slightly in September: HSBC PMI

Growth in China's services sector weakened slightly in September as new business cooled, a private survey showed on Wednesday, reinforcing signs of a slowdown in the world's second-largest economy that could prompt more stimulus measures.

Greece sees 2015 budget surplus close to bailout target: report

Greece will aim to achieve a primary budget surplus of 2.9 percent of output next year, just shy of the 3 percent target set out under its bailout deal, its deputy finance minister said in an interview published Saturday.

Business spending, exports spur big bounce in U.S. economy

The U.S. economy grew at its fastest pace in 2-1/2 years in the second quarter with all sectors contributing to the jump in output in a bullish signal for the remainder of the year.

As Ukraine's debt tangle unwinds, Russia holds key thread

A selloff on Ukraine's dollar debt is focusing attention on a controversial $3 billion bond held by Russia, raising investor concerns that President Vladimir Putin could use the issue to trigger a cascade of defaults across Kiev's sovereign Eurobonds.

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Air strike exchanges between Israel Defense Forces (IDF) and the Palestinian Front for the Liberation of Palestine had hinted more violent exchanges.
An industry observer speculated that Tokyo Electric Power Company (TEPCO) nor the state of Japan has yet to be honest about the real situation about the tank leak.
Australian manufacturers underwent change in level of operations. The manufacturing industry was far from dead in the country down under. The face of the Australian manufacturing sector has been deemed not dead, just changing.
Japanese economy faced a higher deficit as overseas economies strengthens. Japan economy experienced a widening gap in its trade balance, according to a Reuters report.
Study from Towers Watson shows growth of global pensions. Studies showed that the pension fund assets in the world's largest markets increased by 8.
EU advises France to lower its budget deficit. Michel Barnier, the EU Internal Market Commissione advised the French government to undertake its planned reforms.
Reuters, in its investigation, found existing measures by the EU that could have avoided the Cypriot banking system collapse.
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