Tags: IMF

IMF Criticizes Joe Biden's Ramping Up Chinese Import Tariffs, Says US Should Work With China to Resolve Disputes

IMF Criticizes Joe Biden's Ramping Up Chinese Import Tariffs, Says US Should Work With China to Resolve Disputes

The IMF is urging the US to maintain its open trade system instead of imposing new punitive duties on goods from China.

IMF Urges $42 Billion Support for Ukraine; G7 Proposes Funding from Seized Russian Assets

IMF urges $42 billion aid for Ukraine amid Russia-Ukraine conflict, calling it a barrier to growth; G7 proposes using seized Russian assets.

IMF: Russia's Economy to Grow Faster Than US, Other Advanced Economies Despite International Sanctions Over Ukraine

Despite international sanctions over its war in Ukraine, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has forecasted that the economy of Russia will grow quicker than all of the advanced economies in the world, including the United States, in 2024.

US Treasury Warns Creditors Against Exploiting Aid to Developing Nations

The US Treasury Department has cautioned emerging official creditors against curtailing loans to nations already engaged in programs with the International Monetary Fund (IMF) or multilateral development banks.

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IMF, World Bank Approve Historic $4.5 Billion Debt Relief for Somalia
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) and World Bank have approved $4.5 billion in debt forgiveness for Somalia.
IMF Approves $900 Million for Ukraine as Volodymyr Zelenskyy Makes Plea for US Aid Ahead of Joe Biden Meeting
The International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved a $900 million disbursement for Ukraine. Amid the economic challenges intensified by its conflict with Russia, the International Monetary Fund (IMF) has approved a $900 million disbursement for Ukraine as part of an ongoing long-term loan.
US, China Risk a 'New Cold War' as Economic and Trade Conflicts Escalate, IMF Official Warns
The US and China risk a "new Cold War" as economic and trade conflicts escalate, according to an IMF official.
Greek public sector workers walked off the street in a series of protest against reforms under the international bailout.
IMF cuts its estimate for U.S eonomic growth to 1.6 percent from 2.2 percent it had predicted in July.
Leaders of the world's economy began their regular meeting on Thursday discussing necessary steps to boost growth and consumption. While G20 also held a meeting with similar agenda.
The IMF calls banks, policy makers, and other key players in both advanced and emerging markets to address economic problems immediately. IMF warned that current issues and uncertainty could lead to a new financial crisis or economic stagnancy in a global sense.
The second largest oil producer in Africa will start negotiate with IMF next week for a bailout program. Continuous drop of oil price hit Angola economy after years of prosperity from oil production.
In response to a letter from the Greek Prime Minister Alexis Tsipras, Christine Lagarde, the IMF chief, has binned the Wikileaks’ transcript. Since IMF doesn’t act on leaks, she decided to allow the IMF team to resume the postponed bailout review. She has stressed the need for a speedy conclusion of the bailout review just for the sake of the Greek people.
Eurogroup President Jeroen Dijsselbloem said to begin review on Greece debt soon. The group will renew talk after Greek government continue its reform plan.
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